here ye be picturrrrrrrrrrrres.
Jay & Bobbi - Edmonton, Alberta
welcome to the jungle.
Jeff & Wen-Chin - Taipei, Taiwan / San Francisco, CA
Jordan & Cori - Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii
this is me not not blogging.
ULTRAMAGEDDON. Edmonton. Portland.
Each ULTRA will be limited to 15 spots.
How to conquer your workflow.
How to stay creative, shoot after shoot.
The tangible benefits of not trying too hard.
The ultimate importance of finding the right clients.
How to capture WHO your client is without losing your artistic vision.
Live shoot. (I like it real, no professional models, no pre-scouted locations. simple, awkward, and awesome.)
Dead simple post production.
Experimenting with light.
Shooting after dark.
COST: $600 TIME: 10ish to 6ish